Author Archives: Silver Moon

About Silver Moon

A Tech Enthusiast, Blogger, Linux Fan and a Software Developer. Writes about Computer hardware, Linux and Open Source software and coding in Python, Php and Javascript. He can be reached at [email protected].

9 “blkid” command examples in Linux – View storage / block devices

By | August 20, 2023

This article explores the ‘blkid’ command, whose purpose is retrieving information about block devices, LABEL, UUID, file system type, etc. The useful command can help us to identify or troubleshoot issues related to block devices and their attributes. Installation To use ‘blkid’ command, your Linux system needs to have the ‘util-linux’ package installed. blkid: command… Read More »

How to download 4K and 8K videos from Youtube

By | August 15, 2023

If you have recently built and setup a video editing machine and want to test its performance by working with some 8K footage, then you can download some 8k videos from youtube. I was looking for some sample 8k video clips to benchmark and test my video editing setup but could not find anything elsewhere…. Read More »

10 “lsblk” command examples in Linux – List block devices

By | July 22, 2023

Introduction This article will explore the ‘lsblk’ command to understand the structure of storage devices through practical examples with filtering options. This will help you manage, monitor, analyze, and troubleshoot block devices on a Linux system. Block devices are storage devices that store and retrieve data in fixed-size blocks. Installation To install ‘lsblk’, you can… Read More »

Linux Directory Structure Explained – The Complete Guide

By | September 1, 2023

Linux-based operating systems adhere to the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), a well-defined directory structure maintained by the Linux Foundation. This standardization brings several benefits, including ease of use for both users and software developers by providing a consistent location for installed binaries, system files, and system information. While transitioning from Windows to Linux, users… Read More »

How to convert HDR video to SDR with ffmpeg

By | September 15, 2023

HDR vs SDR HDR (High Dynamic Range) is the newer and more advanced version of display technology that shows more colorful and brighter pictures on displays that support it. It is much superior to its predecessor SDR. Videos in HDR format use 10-bits for storing color information and use different color transfer functions compared to… Read More »

Examples of “iotop” command in Linux – Monitor disk input/output per process

By | June 6, 2023

Iotop is an open-source and free utility Linux command used to display the statistics of disk input/output by processor/threads and print the summary which gets refreshed every second. It is quite similar to the top command, except that iotop monitors just disk i/o and not other metrics. This command is particularly useful for system administrators… Read More »

11 “sar” Command Examples in Linux to Monitor System Resources

By | September 15, 2023

sar (System Activity Reporter) is a command line tool used to collect, report, and analyze system activity information in Linux and other Unix-based operating systems. In other words, it gathers information and provides insights on system activity, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, I/O operations, network activity, disk usage, power management, and much more, which… Read More »

Multipass Command Examples – Create and Manage Ubuntu Virtual Machines

By | May 30, 2023

Multipass is a lightweight, command-line virtualization tool developed by Canonical that allows you to create and manage Ubuntu virtual machines (VM) on your local machine. It lets you run multiple isolated instances of Ubuntu for development and testing. Multipass is cross-platform, which means you can run it on macOS, Windows, and Linux. However, on Linux,… Read More »

Basic Docker Command Examples on Ubuntu – Get Images and Launch Containers

By | May 30, 2023

Docker is a popular “containerization” platform that allows developers to run applications inside isolated environments called containers. Containers are similar to virtual machines, however they do not run an entire operating system (like virtualbox, qemu). In principle containers are somewhat similar to the classic that could be used to setup a completely isolated environment within… Read More »