11 “sar” Command Examples in Linux to Monitor System Resources

By | September 15, 2023

sar (System Activity Reporter) is a command line tool used to collect, report, and analyze system activity information in Linux and other Unix-based operating systems.

In other words, it gathers information and provides insights on system activity, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, I/O operations, network activity, disk usage, power management, and much more, which helps in monitoring system resources and identifying performance issues.

Internally, sar depends on the sadc (system activity data collector), which captures and stores system activity data at regular intervals, usually every 10 minutes. Generally, the collected data is stored in binary log files, named saDD, where DD represents the day of the month. These files are typically kept in the /var/log/sa directory.

sar provides several options for reporting captured system activity. In this article, we'll explore different sar commands, which will help you retrieve and analyze your system's activity.

Install sysstat

sar is available as a component of the sysstat package, which means that the sysstat package is required to use it.

On Ubuntu and other Debian-based distributions

sudo apt install sysstat

On CentOs, Fedora, and RHEL

sudo dnf install sysstat

On Arch-based distributions

sudo pacman -S sysstat

Enable sysstat

After installing sysstat, you need to enable the sysstat service to ensure sysstat runs automatically after boot-up, and both sadc and sar become active as well. To enable sysstat, run:

sudo systemctl enable sysstat

Synchronizing state of sysstat.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable sysstat
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/sysstat.service → /lib/systemd/system/sysstat.service.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/sysstat.service.wants/sysstat-collect.timer → /lib/systemd/system/sysstat-collect.timer.
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/sysstat.service.wants/sysstat-summary.timer → /lib/systemd/system/sysstat-summary.timer.

Afterward, run the following command to start the sysstat service so that data collection can begin in the right away.

sudo systemctl start sysstat

Then, run the following command, which should produce an output similar to the one below to verify that sar is functional and running.

The status can be checked like this:

$ systemctl status sysstat
● sysstat.service - Resets System Activity Logs
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/sysstat.service; enabled; preset: enabled)
     Active: active (exited) since Sun 2023-06-04 15:18:48 IST; 18h ago
       Docs: man:sa1(8)
   Main PID: 4831 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
        CPU: 34ms

Jun 04 15:18:48 silver-VirtualBox systemd[1]: Starting Resets System Activity Logs...
Jun 04 15:18:48 silver-VirtualBox systemd[1]: Finished Resets System Activity Logs.

Checking sar version

sar -V

sysstat version 12.5.2
(C) Sebastien Godard (sysstat <at> orange.fr)

sar Command Syntax and Examples

sar commands typically take the following form:

sar -[options]  [interval]  [count]

Here's a breakdown of what each parameter does:

  • [options]: These are additional flags used to filter and customize the information displayed by sar.
  • [interval]: This refers to the time interval between each data collection and is usually specified in seconds.
  • [count]: This indicates the number of times the collected data is to be reported.

1. Get CPU usage metrics

The "-u" option is used to retrieve the CPU utilization statistics. When invoked without additional parameters, sar will generate a report, showcasing the CPU utilization statistics for the duration the system has been up for the day.

To get the CPU metrics, run:

$ sar -u 1
Linux 6.2.0-20-generic (enlightened)    05/06/23        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

09:46:36 AM IST     CPU     %user     %nice   %system   %iowait    %steal     %idle
09:46:37 AM IST     all     11.14      0.00     15.95      0.51      0.00     72.41
09:46:38 AM IST     all     11.39      0.00     10.89      0.25      0.00     77.47
09:46:39 AM IST     all     11.66      0.00     21.34      0.00      0.00     67.00
09:46:40 AM IST     all     17.56      0.25      9.92      3.05      0.00     69.21
09:46:41 AM IST     all     22.96      0.00     17.35      0.00      0.00     59.69
09:46:42 AM IST     all     17.37      0.25     16.63      0.00      0.00     65.76
09:46:43 AM IST     all     12.28      0.00     11.78      0.50      0.00     75.44

Note that we have provided an interval of 1 sec, so metrics will be retrieved once every second and reported in a new line. This way sar is actually reporting in realtime by fetching the most recent values for individual metrics.

Get more metrics: Additionally, you can include the "ALL" parameter in the command, which tells sar to show a more comprehensive table, containing all the available CPU fields as demonstrated below.

$ sar -u ALL 1
Linux 6.2.0-20-generic (enlightened)    05/06/23        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

09:48:13 AM IST     CPU      %usr     %nice      %sys   %iowait    %steal      %irq     %soft    %guest    %gnice     %idle
09:48:14 AM IST     all     35.43      0.25     14.57      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.25      0.00      0.00     49.50
09:48:15 AM IST     all     18.18      0.00     16.67      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     65.15
09:48:16 AM IST     all     27.97      0.25     29.46      0.25      0.00      0.00      0.50      0.00      0.00     41.58
09:48:17 AM IST     all     46.02      0.00     22.64      0.75      0.00      0.00      0.50      0.00      0.00     30.10
09:48:18 AM IST     all     21.07      0.00     18.78      0.25      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     59.90
09:48:19 AM IST     all     10.49      0.00     16.37      0.51      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     72.63

Logged / Pre-recorded values

If you do not specify any interval, then sar will fetch pre-recorded values from a log file, which is usually located at: /var/log/sysstat/

$ ls -la /var/log/sysstat/
total 120
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Jun  5 07:09 .
drwxrwxr-x 14 root syslog  4096 Jun  5 07:09 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   30952 Jun  4 20:10 sa04
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   30868 Jun  5 09:50 sa05
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   40454 Jun  5 07:09 sar04

Note the file named sar04 above. That file contains data for all metrics in a single large file. You can view the contents by issuing the following command:

cat /var/log/sysstat/sar04

To view old metrics issue the command like this, without any interval.

sar -u

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	27/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

00:00:00        CPU              %user        %nice   %system         %iowait     %steal      %idle
00:10:00        all     	 0.50          0.00      0.50            0.18      0.00       98.82
00:20:00        all      	 0.24          0.00      0.15            0.01      0.00       99.60
00:30:00        all      	 0.27          0.00      0.24            0.00      0.00       99.49
00:40:00        all      	 0.27          0.00      0.21            0.00      0.00       99.52
00:50:00        all      	 0.23          0.00      0.21            0.01      0.00       99.54
01:00:00        all      	 0.16          0.00      0.20            0.00      0.00       99.64
01:10:00        all      	 0.12          0.00      0.14            0.00      0.00       99.73
01:20:00        all      	 0.25          0.00      0.17            0.01      0.00       99.57
01:30:00        all      	 0.16          0.00      0.15            0.00      0.00       99.68
01:40:00        all      	 0.15          0.00      0.13            0.00      0.00       99.71

In the output above, sar displays the CPU metrics recorded every 10 minutes over a 2-hour period in a table, consisting of various CPU fields.

Enable background monitoring

At this point you might run into a problem if sar is not running the background to record system statistics. The output will look something like this:

$ sar -u
Linux 5.19.0-43-generic (silver-VirtualBox)     04/06/23        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)



$ sar -r
Linux 5.19.0-43-generic (silver-VirtualBox)     04/06/23        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)




It will just show entries named "LINUX RESTART" and no other rows of any data. This means that sar(sysstat) is not logging system metrics.

To fix this problem you have to enable background monitoring. This can be done in many ways.

On Debian/Ubuntu based systems run the command, and select Yes when prompted. It will enable the service.

dpkg-reconfigure sysstat

Alternatively you can edit the file: /etc/default/sysstat and set ENABLED to true and it should look like this

$ cat /etc/default/sysstat
# Default settings for /etc/init.d/sysstat, /etc/cron.d/sysstat
# and /etc/cron.daily/sysstat files

# Should sadc collect system activity informations? Valid values
# are "true" and "false". Please do not put other values, they
# will be overwritten by debconf!


Now restart the system.

By default sar collects data every 10 minutes

sar -u  ALL

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	27/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

00:00:00    CPU       %user    %nice    %sys     %iowait   %steal     %irq     %soft     %guest    %gnice    %idle
00:10:00     all      0.13     0.00     0.43      0.18      0.00      0.00      0.07      0.36      0.00     98.82
00:20:00     all      0.04     0.00     0.13      0.01      0.00      0.00      0.02      0.20      0.00     99.60
00:30:00     all      0.04     0.00     0.21      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.03      0.23      0.00     99.49
00:40:00     all      0.05     0.00     0.19      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.02      0.22      0.00     99.52

The table shown in the output above contains the following information:

  • timestamp: This column indicates the time of data collection. The values for each row under this column correspond to a specific time interval.
  • CPU: This refers to the specific CPU core or processor from which data was captured. In this case, "all" indicates that data was aggregated from all available cores.
  • %usr: This column shows the percentage of CPU utilization while executing user-level processes like your applications.
  • %nice: This column represents the percentage of CPU utilization while executing user-level processes with a nice (lower) priority.
  • %sys: This indicates the percentage of CPU time spent executing system-level (kernel) processes.
  • %iowait: This column shows the percentage of time when the CPU was idle, waiting for pending I/O operations to complete.
  • %steal: This indicates the percentage of time spent by a virtual CPU in a virtual machine, waiting while the hypervisor serviced another virtual machine.
  • %irq: This column represents the percentage of CPU time spent handling interrupt requests from hardware devices.
  • %soft: This column represents the percentage of CPU time spent handling interrupt requests from software sources.
  • %guest: This column shows the percentage of CPU time spent running a virtual machine.
  • %gnice: This indicates the percentage of CPU time spent running niced guest processes.
  • %idle: This column represents the percentage of CPU time during which the CPU was idle, without any outstanding tasks.

In addition, sar allows you to specify an interval and the number of times a report is to be generated. For example, to generate the CPU metrics 4 times after every 5 seconds, run the following command:

sar -u  5  4

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

08:50:14          CPU           %user     %nice     %system       %iowait       %steal    %idle
08:50:19          all           0.25      0.00        0.51          0.00         0.00     99.24
08:50:24          all           0.25      0.00        0.25          0.00         0.00     99.49
08:50:29          all           0.41      0.00        0.41          0.00         0.00     99.14
08:50:34          all           0.51      0.00        0.61          0.00         0.00     98.89
Average:          all           0.35      0.00        0.44          0.00         0.00     99.20

Report for Specific CPU Core

Alternatively, you can tell sar to generate a report for a specific CPU core by adding the "-P" option instead and giving it a CPU identifier. However, it's important to note that CPU identifiers begin from 0, which means that in multi-core processors, 0 is the first processor, 1 is the second processor, and so on.

To generate the CPU metrics for the first processor, run the following command:

sar -P  0

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27        CPU            %user        %nice      %system     %iowait      %steal    %idle
05:40:14          0            1.09         0.80       1.58         1.13         0.00     95.40
05:50:00          0            0.20         0.00       0.21         0.16         0.00     99.44
Average:          0            0.64         0.40       0.90         0.64         0.00     97.42

Additionally, when "ALL" is passed as an argument to the "-P" option, sar will generate a report, which shows the global and individual statistics for the processors present on the machine, as seen below.

sar -P ALL

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27        CPU     %user     %nice     %system   %iowait    %steal   %idle
05:40:14        all      1.13      0.49      1.45      1.32      0.00     95.61
05:40:14          0      1.09      0.80      1.58      1.13      0.00     95.40
05:40:14          1      1.31      0.50      1.39      1.48      0.00     95.32
05:40:14          2      0.93      0.36      1.25      1.60      0.00     95.86
05:40:14          3      1.17      0.31      1.58      1.06      0.00     95.87

05:40:14        CPU     %user     %nice     %system   %iowait    %steal   %idle
05:50:00        all      0.34      0.00      0.22      0.07      0.00     99.38
05:50:00          0      0.20      0.00      0.21      0.16      0.00     99.44
05:50:00          1      0.32      0.00      0.19      0.02      0.00     99.47
05:50:00          2      0.24      0.00      0.15      0.07      0.00     99.54
05:50:00          3      0.58      0.00      0.32      0.03      0.00     99.07

2. Get Queue Length and Load Average

The "-q" option is used to generate a report about the system load average and the number of tasks in the run queue.

To view the report, run the following command:

sar -q

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27      runq-sz        plist-sz   ldavg-1   ldavg-5  ldavg-15   blocked
05:40:14            0         611        0.20      0.83        1.04         0
05:50:00            0         610        0.10      0.25        0.62         0
06:00:21            0         610        0.11      0.21        0.42         0
06:10:19            0         611        0.13      0.19        0.31         0
Average:            0         610        0.14      0.37        0.60         0

The output produced shows the following information:

  • timestamp: This column indicates the time of data collection.
  • runq-sq: This column shows the number of tasks that are currently in the run queue waiting for run time, which in this case is 0.
  • plist-sz: This column shows the total number of tasks in the task list.
  • ldavg-1: This shows the system load average for the last minute. The load average refers to the average number of running tasks (R state) and tasks in uninterruptable sleep (D state) during a specific interval.
  • ldavg-5: This indicates the system load average for the last 5 minutes.
  • ldavg-15: This indicates the system load average for the last 15 minutes.
  • blocked: This column shows the number of processes that are currently blocked, awaiting the release of resources.

3. Get Memory Metrics

The -r option generates reports on the memory utilized by the system, which is useful for identifying memory-related issues and tracking how the components of your system consume memory.

To monitor memory metrics in realtime we can use interval 1.

$ sar -r 1
Linux 6.2.0-20-generic (enlightened)    05/06/23        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

10:15:00 AM IST kbmemfree   kbavail kbmemused  %memused kbbuffers  kbcached  kbcommit   %commit  kbactive   kbinact   kbdirty
10:15:01 AM IST   2602828  10090552  19148936     58.45    494448   9555044  57417972     43.11   3615968  20133344      1696
10:15:02 AM IST   2597116  10084852  19153452     58.46    494456   9556232  57406944     43.10   3615980  20128360      2092
10:15:03 AM IST   2593840  10081596  19156524     58.47    494472   9556420  57407512     43.10   3615996  20130200      2144
10:15:04 AM IST   2593840  10081608  19161352     58.49    494476   9551588  57402888     43.09   3616008  20130284      2028
10:15:05 AM IST   2592580  10080348  19165816     58.50    494476   9548384  57393372     43.09   3616008  20121708      2444
10:15:06 AM IST   2591324  10079140  19168720     58.51    494484   9546728  57393640     43.09   3616008  20122488      1948

To watch historic stats omit the interval and get data from the log files.

sar -r

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27    kbmemfree   kbavail  kbmemused  %memused  kbbuffers kbcached kbcommit   %commit  kbactive   kbinact   kbdirty
05:40:14       881916   2702588   4678196     57.72     46596   1980972  14578932    142.90   2468276   3441380        16
05:50:00       877496   2701836   4678848     57.73     47360   1983752  14586908    142.98   2477940   3436880         0
06:00:21       875640   2704104   4676544     57.70     47848   1987344  14586916    142.98   2484140   3435436         0
06:10:19       676984   2585532   4793536     59.14     48808   2065052  14587308    142.99   2584132   3533152         0
06:20:05       668104   2580280   4798492     59.21     49228   2068340  14595788    143.07   2596396   3531060       172
06:30:21       623716   2574216   4804396     59.28     49500   2106284  14587732    142.99   2608804   3560084         0

After executing the command, sar generates a report similar to the output above, which contains a lot of information. Below is a breakdown of what each column represents:

  • timestamp: This indicates the time of data collection.
  • kbmemfree: This column shows the amount of memory not currently in use, expressed in kilobytes.
  • kbavail: This column represents the estimated amount of memory in kilobytes available for starting new applications, which also takes the page cache and reclaimable slab into consideration.
  • kbmemused: This column indicates the amount of memory used, expressed in kilobytes, excluding buffers and cache.
  • %memused: This column shows the percentage of the total available memory that is in use.
  • kbbuffers: This column represents the amount of memory used as buffers by the kernel, expressed in kilobytes.
  • kbcached: This indicates the amount of memory used for caching system data, expressed in kilobytes.
  • kbcommit: This column represents an estimate of the amount of memory required to handle the current workload, expressed in kilobytes.
  • %commit: This column shows the percentage of committed memory relative to the total amount of memory. Furthermore, since the kernel often overcommits memory, this value can be greater than 100.
  • kbactive: This column shows the amount of memory in kilobytes that is currently active and not eligible for reclamation unless absolutely necessary.
  • kbinact: This indicates the amount of inactive memory in kilobytes, eligible to be reclaimed for other tasks.
  • kbdirty: This column represents the amount of memory in kilobytes that contains data expected to be written to disk.

Similar to the "-u" option, the "ALL" parameter can be used with the "-r" option to display a more exhaustive table, showing all the available memory fields, including kbslab, kbkstack, kbvmused, and so on.

4. Get Paging Metrics

The "-B" option is used to generate reports on paging information, which gives insights into how your system manages memory, highlighting the rate at which frequently accessed data is read from and written to disk.

To view paging statistics, run:

sar -B

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27  pgpgin/s pgpgout/s   fault/s    majflt/s pgfree/s   pgscank/s pgscand/s pgsteal/s  %vmeff
05:40:14  393.33     39.73     1256.14     1.73    977.72      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
05:50:00    5.22      6.04        5.31     0.00     11.75      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
06:00:21    4.62     11.80        5.43     0.00     18.66      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
06:10:19   26.77    235.41        3.71     0.00     27.25      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
06:20:05    4.77      7.64        6.70     0.00     10.45      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
06:30:21   54.89     14.06        5.24     0.00     27.29      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
06:40:21   95.13      4.55        4.07     0.00     10.14      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00

The output produced shows the following information:

  • timestamp: The time of data capture.
  • pgpgin/s: This column shows the rate in kilobytes per second at which data is being paged in.
  • pgpgout/s: This represents the rate in kilobytes per second at which data is being paged out.
  • fault/s: This column shows the number of page faults that arise every second, including both minor and major faults. A page fault occurs when a process tries to access a memory page that hasn't been mapped or that isn't available in the physical memory.
  • majflt/s: This column indicates the number of major faults per second.
  • pgfree/s: This column shows the number of pages placed on the free list per second.
  • pgscank/s: This column shows the number of pages the kernel swap daemon (kswapd) scans every second.
  • pgscand/s: This indicates the rate at which the kernel directly scans pages for reclaimable memory.
  • pgsteal/s: This represents the number of pages the system has reclaimed from the cache per second to meet its memory needs.
  • %vmeff: This column measures the efficiency of page reclamation, calculated as pgsteal/pgscan.

5. Get I/O and Transfer Rate Metrics

To generate a report on the I/O operations and transfer rate, the "-b" option is used. This provides information about I/O activity on your system, including the utilization rate of block devices.

The following command tells sar to produce a report on I/O operations and transfer rate:

sar -b

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27          tps      rtps      wtps      dtps    bread/s      bwrtn/s     bdscd/s
05:40:14        12.04      7.15      4.89      0.00    687.74        79.46       0.00
05:50:00         1.50      0.50      0.99      0.00     10.45        12.09       0.00
06:00:21         1.17      0.13      1.04      0.00      9.23        23.60       0.00
06:10:19         3.47      0.67      2.81      0.00     53.54       470.82       0.00
06:20:05         1.32      0.14      1.18      0.00      9.54        15.28       0.00
06:30:21         3.03      1.93      1.10      0.00    109.77        28.13       0.00

The report produced shows the following information:

  • timestamp: The time of data collection.
  • tps: This column shows the total number of transfer requests per second for all block devices, which includes both read and write requests.
  • rtps: This indicates the total number of read requests per second sent to all block devices.
  • wtps: This column represents the total number of write requests per second sent to all block devices.
  • dtps: This column represents the total number of discard requests per second sent to all block devices.
  • bread/s: This column shows the total amount of data read from block devices, represented in blocks per second. A block is equivalent to 512 bytes.
  • bwrtn/s: This indicates the total amount of data written to block devices, represented in blocks per second.
  • bdscd/s: This column shows the total amount of data discarded for all block devices in blocks per second.

6. Get Swap Space Metrics

The "-S" option is used to generate reports on the utilization of the swap space. The swap space is a reserved portion of the hard disk, which acts as an extension of the physical memory. When the operating system runs out of memory, it temporarily stores data in the swap space. This information is useful for identifying potential memory management problems in your system.

To obtain the swap space utilization statistics, run the following command:

sar -S

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27      kbswpfree   kbswpused    %swpused     kbswpcad      %swpcad
05:40:14      2097148         0          0.00        0              0.00
05:50:00      2097148         0          0.00        0              0.00
06:00:21      2097148         0          0.00        0              0.00
06:10:19      2097148         0          0.00        0              0.00

The output generated contains the following information:

  • timestamp: This shows the time of data capture.
  • kbswpfree: This column indicates the available amount of free swap space in kilobytes.
  • kbswpused: This column shows the amount of swap space used in kilobytes.
  • kbswpcad: This column represents the amount of cached swap memory in kilobytes.
  • %swpcad: This column shows the percentage of cached swap memory relative to the amount of swap space used.

7. Get Mounted Filesystem Metrics

The "-F" option is used to generate reports for currently mounted filesystems. It provides information on the amount of space consumed in each mounted filesystem.

To view the mounted filesystem statistics, run:

sar -F  2  1

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

17:35:08     MBfsfree    MBfsused     %fsused     %ufsused     Ifree      Iused     %Iused    FILESYSTEM
17:35:10        78651     21062         21.12       26.25     6304917     215915      3.31     /dev/sda3
17:35:10            0       163        100.00      100.00           0        438    100.00    /dev/loop1
17:35:10            0        73        100.00      100.00           0      13370    100.00    /dev/loop4
17:35:10            0        62        100.00      100.00           0      11793    100.00    /dev/loop2
17:35:10            0        64        100.00      100.00           0      11954    100.00    /dev/loop0
17:35:10          506         6          1.19        1.19           0          0      0.00     /dev/sda2
17:35:10            0       127        100.00      100.00           0          0      0.00      /dev/sr0
17:35:10            0      3650        100.00      100.00           0          0      0.00      /dev/sr1
17:35:10         1475         0          0.00        6.29       98291         13      0.01     /dev/sdb1
17:35:10          432        20          4.43       12.18      127986         14      0.01     /dev/sdb2
17:35:10          218         0          0.01        8.03       63989         11      0.02     /dev/sdb3

Summary:     MBfsfree    MBfsused     %fsused     %ufsused      Ifree     Iused     %Iused    FILESYSTEM
Summary:        78651     21062         21.12       26.25      6304917    215915      3.31     /dev/sda3
Summary:            0       163        100.00      100.00            0       438    100.00    /dev/loop1
Summary:            0        73        100.00      100.00            0     13370    100.00    /dev/loop4
Summary:            0        62        100.00      100.00            0     11793    100.00    /dev/loop2
Summary:            0        64        100.00      100.00            0     11954    100.00    /dev/loop0
Summary:          506         6          1.19        1.19            0         0      0.00     /dev/sda2
Summary:            0       127        100.00      100.00            0         0      0.00      /dev/sr0
Summary:            0      3650        100.00      100.00            0         0      0.00      /dev/sr1
Summary:         1475         0          0.00        6.29        98291        13      0.01     /dev/sdb1
Summary:          432        20          4.43       12.18       127986        14      0.01     /dev/sdb2
Summary:          218         0          0.01        8.03        63989        11      0.02     /dev/sdb3

The output produced shows the following information:

  • MBfsfree: This column shows the total amount of free space available in the filesystem, expressed in megabytes.
  • MBfsused: This represents the amount of space used in the filesystem, expressed in megabytes.
  • %fsused: This column indicates the percentage of the filesystem used from the perspective of a privileged user.
  • %ufsused: This column shows the percentage of the filesystem used from the perspective of an unprivileged user.
  • Ifree: This column shows the total number of free file nodes in the filesystem.
  • Iused: This represents the total number of used file nodes in the filesystem.
  • %Iused: This column shows the percentage of file nodes used in the filesystem.
  • FILESYSTEM: This indicates the filesystem identifier.

To omit the loop devices we can pipe the output into grep with the -v option.

$ sar -F 1 1 | grep -v "loop"
Linux 6.2.0-20-generic (enlightened)    05/06/23        _x86_64_        (4 CPU)

10:23:06 AM IST  MBfsfree  MBfsused   %fsused  %ufsused     Ifree     Iused    %Iused FILESYSTEM
10:23:07 AM IST     19883     75667     79.19     84.32   5013052   1237444     19.80 /dev/sda1
10:23:07 AM IST    138545    263534     65.54     70.64  26019374    195026      0.74 /dev/sdc1
10:23:07 AM IST   3097236   1671774     35.05     35.05         0         0      0.00 /dev/sdd2

Summary:     MBfsfree  MBfsused   %fsused  %ufsused     Ifree     Iused    %Iused FILESYSTEM
Summary:        19883     75667     79.19     84.32   5013052   1237444     19.80 /dev/sda1
Summary:       138545    263534     65.54     70.64  26019374    195026      0.74 /dev/sdc1
Summary:      3097236   1671774     35.05     35.05         0         0      0.00 /dev/sdd2

In the above output we can see the real disk drive partitions along with space usage data.

8. Get Block Device Metrics

The "-d" option is used to produce a report on the activity of block devices. This information shows the performance of each block device, which helps in identifying potential problems with storage devices.

To view the statistics for all block devices, run the following command:

sar -d

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

17:00:27           DEV      tps     rkB/s     wkB/s     dkB/s   areq-sz      aqu-sz     await     %util
17:10:12           sr0      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00        0.00      0.00      0.00
17:10:12           sr1      0.00    0.00      0.00      0.00       0.00        0.00      0.00      0.00
17:10:12           sda      0.46    0.22      2.85      0.00       6.62        0.00      1.13      0.05
17:10:12           sdb      0.06    0.01      26.20     0.00     433.08        0.00      0.43      0.00

The resulting output includes the following information:

  • timestamp: The time of data collection.
  • DEV: This column indicates the names of block devices.
  • tps: This shows the total number of transfers per second sent to block devices.
  • rkB/s: This represents the data read from each block device, expressed in kilobytes per second.
  • wkB/s: This column shows the rate at which data is written to block devices in kilobytes per second.
  • dkB/s: This column indicates the number of kilobytes discarded per second.
  • areq-sz: This column shows the average size of I/O requests in kilobytes sent to block devices. This field was known as avgrq-sz in previous versions of sar and was previously expressed in sectors.
  • aqu-sz: This represents the average queue length of requests sent to block devices. It was previously known as avgqu-sz.
  • await: This column shows the average time it takes in milliseconds to serve I/O requests sent to block devices.
  • %util: This represents the percentage of time the device was busy with I/O operations.

Additionally, sar will generate a report for a specific block device when the "--dev" option is included and has passed the device name as shown below:

sar  -d  --dev=sdc

05:30:27          DEV       tps     rkB/s     wkB/s      dkB/s    areq-sz    aqu-sz       await     %util
05:40:14          sda     11.90    340.30     39.73      0.00     31.93       0.11        9.46      4.89
05:50:00          sda      1.50      5.22      6.04      0.00      7.53       0.00        2.39      0.40

05:50:00          DEV       tps     rkB/s     wkB/s     dkB/s     areq-sz    aqu-sz       await     %util
06:00:21          sda      1.17      4.62     11.80      0.00     14.01       0.00        1.69      0.23
06:10:19          sda      3.47     26.77    235.41      0.00     75.46       0.01        2.50      0.79

9. Get Network Metrics

The "-n" option is used to produce a report on network activity. However, it requires a keyword value or a network type or "ALL", which encompasses all keywords. Acceptable keyword values include:

  • DEV: For all network interfaces.
  • EDEV: For errors on network interfaces.
  • FC: For fibre channel traffic.
  • ICMP: For ICMPv4 traffic.
  • EICMP: For ICMPv4 network errors.
  • ICMP6: For ICMPv6 traffic
  • EICMP6: For ICMPv6 network errors.
  • IP: For IPv4 traffic.
  • EIP: For IPv4 error messages.
  • IP6: For IPv6 traffic.
  • EIP6: For IPv6 network errors.
  • NFS: For NFS client activity.
  • NFSD: For NFSD server activity.
  • SOCK: For IPv4 sockets.
  • SOCK6: For IPv6 sockets.
  • SOFT: For software-based network processing.
  • TCP: For TCPv4 traffic.
  • ETCP: For TCPv4 network errors.
  • UDP: For UDPv4 traffic.

To obtain the network metrics of all available network interfaces, run the following command:

sar -n DEV

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	29/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

05:26:45     LINUX RESTART	(4 CPU)

05:30:27    IFACE             rxpck/s   txpck/s     rxkB/s    txkB/s     rxcmp/s      txcmp/s     rxmcst/s   %ifutil
05:40:14    lo                  0.10      0.10       0.01      0.01       0.00         0.00        0.00        0.00
05:40:14    ens33               0.63      0.31       0.26      0.15       0.00         0.00        0.00        0.00
05:40:14    mpqemubr0           0.22      0.27       0.08      0.16       0.00         0.00        0.02        0.00
05:40:14    tap-e863670417c     0.07      0.14       0.03      0.05       0.00         0.00        0.00        0.00
05:40:14    tap-85a8e535edf     0.02      0.07       0.00      0.01       0.00         0.00        0.00        0.00
05:40:14    tap-3a2af97fc7d     0.07      0.14       0.03      0.05       0.00         0.00        0.00        0.00
05:40:14    tap-68433156c50     0.07      0.13       0.03      0.07       0.00         0.00        0.00        0.01

The resulting output shows the following information:

  • timestamp: This shows the time of data capture.
  • IFACE: This column shows the name of the network interface from which data was collected.
  • rxpck/s: This represents the total number of packets received per second in an interface.
  • txpck/s: This represents the total number of packets transmitted per second in an interface.
  • rxkB/s: This column shows the total number of kilobytes received per second in an interface.
  • tkKB/s: This column indicates the total number of kilobytes transmitted per second in an interface.
  • rxcmp/s: This represents the number of compressed packets received per second in an interface.
  • txcmp/s: This column shows the number of compressed packets transmitted per second in an interface.
  • rxmcst/s: This column indicates the number of multicast packets received per second in an interface.
  • %ifutil: This column shows the percentage of the network interface utilized.

However, it is worth noting that the fields (columns) present in a network report depend on the selected keyword. The man page of the sar command provides a comprehensive list of all the possible fields of the network report output.

10. Get Power Management Metrics

The "-m" option is used to produce reports on power management statistics. Similar to the "-n" option, it requires a keyword to determine the statistics to be displayed. Acceptable keyword values are:

  • CPU: This reports CPU-related statistics.
  • FAN: This shows information about the fan speed.
  • FREQ: This shows information about the CPU clock frequency.
  • IN: This shows information about the voltage inputs.
  • TEMP: This reports statistics on the device's temperature.
  • USB: This shows a summary of the currently plugged-in USB devices.
  • ALL: This is equivalent to providing all the previous keywords.

To generate power management statistics for the CPU, execute the following command:

sar -m CPU 5  2

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	29/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

23:46:37        CPU       MHz
23:46:42        all   	1190.39
23:46:47        all   	1190.39
23:46:52        all   	1190.39
23:46:57        all   	1190.39
Average:        all   	1190.39

As you can observe from the output above, sar produces a general report for all the CPU cores available on the system. The output also contains the MHz field, which represents the instantaneous CPU clock frequency in MHz.

11. Get Historical Metrics

As mentioned earlier in the article, captured metrics are stored in log files with a naming convention of saDD, where DD represents the day of data collection. Thus, you can review statistics from a specific time interval of your choosing.

To obtain data for a designated timeframe, the "-s" and "-e" options are used with the corresponding sar command and provided at the start and end time range in a 24-hour format, respectively. For example, executing the following command will retrieve memory metrics captured between 8:15 AM – 9:10 AM today.

sar  -r   -s  08:15:00  -e 09:10:00

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	30/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

08:20:21    kbmemfree   kbavail kbmemused  %memused kbbuffers  kbcached  kbcommit   %commit  kbactive   kbinact   kbdirty
08:30:12       431072   2456416   4921848     60.73     51684   2178708  14613700    143.25   2661280   3691008         8
08:40:21       429312   2454812   4923436     60.75     51828   2178716  14613832    143.25   2661424   3690256         4
08:50:31       428584   2454268   4923944     60.75     51996   2178728  14614004    143.25   2661600   3690760         0
09:00:17       428108   2453988   4924204     60.76     52172   2178752  14614136    143.25   2661768   3691536         4
Average:       429269   2454871   4923358     60.75     51920   2178726  14613918    143.25   2661518   3690890         4

However, sar also allows you to retrieve data from previous days when you provide a relative day offset as an option in the command. Therefore, the option "-1" corresponds to the previous day, while "-2" would mean two days prior, and so on.

To retrieve the CPU metrics captured yesterday between 4 PM - 4:30 PM, run:

sar  -u   -1  -s 16:00:00  -e  16:30:00

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	29/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

16:00:03        CPU       %user     %nice      %system    %iowait     %steal      %idle
16:10:12        all        0.82      0.00       0.45        0.46       0.00       98.27
16:20:04        all        0.84      0.00       0.62        0.14       0.00       98.40
Average:        all        0.83      0.00       0.53        0.30       0.00       98.34

Query Specific Log File

Alternatively, with the "-f" option, you can specify the log file that corresponds to the day from which you wish to obtain data. As noted earlier, these files are often stored in the directory "/var/log/sa." However, on Ubuntu, they are stored at "/var/log/sysstat."

The following command demonstrates how to retrieve the CPU metrics captured on the 28th day of the month.

sar -u -s 16:00:00 -e 16:30:00  -f  /var/log/sysstat/sa28

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	28/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

16:00:00          CPU        %user       %nice       %system      %iowait       %steal       %idle
16:10:00          all         0.16        0.00         0.16         0.00         0.00        99.68
16:20:00          all         0.20        0.00         0.20         0.01         0.00        99.59
16:30:00          all         0.21        0.00         0.18         0.01         0.00        99.60
Average:          all         0.19        0.00         0.18         0.01         0.00        99.63

Get All Metrics

The "-A" option is used to generate a report which shows all the collected data. It is equivalent to invoking the following sar command:

sar -bBdFHISvwWy -m ALL -n ALL -q ALL -r ALL -u ALL

To produce a report on all collected data, run:

sar -A

Save Generated Report

sar also provides a way to store your generated reports in custom files rather than relying on the default log files created by the sadc. The "-o" option is used with the corresponding sar command to save the produced report.

The command below illustrates how to save the CPU metrics captured 4 times over a 5-second interval:

sudo sar  -u  5  4  -o  /tmp/metrics

In the command above, the "-o" option is given a value "/tmp/metrics", which indicates where the file should be saved. It's worth noting that if no value is specified, the default sadc log file will be used.

After saving the generated report, the "-f" option can be used to read the resulting file as shown below:

sar -u -f /tmp/metrics/sa31

Linux 5.19.0-42-generic (ubuntu) 	31/05/2023 	_x86_64_	(4 CPU)

06:35:29        CPU          %user     %nice       %system       %iowait      %steal     %idle
06:35:34        all          22.61       0.00        1.79          0.06        0.00      75.48
06:35:39        all          11.21       0.00        4.64          0.08        0.00      84.07
06:35:44        all           9.90       0.00        8.56          2.67        0.00      78.87
06:35:49        all          15.11       0.00       19.86          0.40        0.00      64.63
Average:        all          15.31       0.00        8.16          0.75        0.00      75.78


sar is a valuable tool that provides insights into system activity and performance. It offers extensive monitoring and reporting features, which allow you to assess your system's health and resource utilization, and easily identify potential performance issues.

Through the various options and parameters that sar provides, you can keep track of a wide range of system metrics, including CPU usage, memory utilization, power management, disk activity, network traffic, and much more.

Overall, sar is an essential tool for maintaining the smooth operation of your system.

About Silver Moon

A Tech Enthusiast, Blogger, Linux Fan and a Software Developer. Writes about Computer hardware, Linux and Open Source software and coding in Python, Php and Javascript. He can be reached at [email protected].

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