Author Archives: Silver Moon

About Silver Moon

A Tech Enthusiast, Blogger, Linux Fan and a Software Developer. Writes about Computer hardware, Linux and Open Source software and coding in Python, Php and Javascript. He can be reached at [email protected].

10 simple Rsync Command Examples in Linux

By | April 23, 2023

rsync (remote synchronization) is a command-line tool for transferring and synchronizing files and directories locally and remotely in Linux. In other words, rsync is used for transferring files and directories, creating backups, mirroring files, and transferring large files between two locations. rsync identifies the differences between the source and destination files and directories using its… Read More »

20 DNF Command Examples to Manage Packages on Fedora / RHEL

By | April 1, 2023

DNF (Dandified Yum) is an RPM-based package manager capable of managing packages in Linux. Today, we’ll go through 20 DNF command examples. These examples will teach you how to manage packages with ease. You can use DNF to install and update packages. It is a popular package manager and comes pre-installed as the default package… Read More »

Common Linux Log Files and How to View Them

By | March 31, 2023

What are Linux logs? Linux logs are a critical component of the OS that gives a snapshot of everything that has been happening in the system. It helps in tracking events within the system such as process initiation/failure, errors in running applications, login failures, boot-up process etc. They are essential for debugging running applications, tracking… Read More »

How to install packages in Live Ubuntu Session

By | March 19, 2023

Sometimes, we want to run Ubuntu in live mode and test a few programs or commands that need to be installed first. Ubuntu supports installing packages in a live session in the same way as in a fully installed setup. However, when trying to install package in a live session, often times the following error… Read More »

Linux /etc/fstab File Structure Explained – Beginners Guide

By | February 23, 2023

The fstab (File system table) file is a configuration file used by the Linux kernel to mount declared file systems during booting. It contains a set of rules describing where a file system should be mounted, access control for file systems, and additional configuration options for each file system. In this article, we’ll cover the… Read More »

Snap command examples to manage packages on Linux

By | February 18, 2023

What is Snap Snap is a software packaging and deployment system (similar to deb) developed by Canonical for Linux. It has version control capabilities which help maintain multiple releases of a particular application (aka snaps). Though it is a proprietary solution from Canonical, Snap is available for other linux distros like Fedora, CentOS and Manjaro… Read More »

How to Install PyOpenGL on Windows 10

By | September 15, 2023

PyOpenGL is an python module that implements OpenGL functions in python allowing you to write OpenGL applications using Python. With OpenGL you are able to write applications that use “GPU acceleration”. So if you have an Nvidia RTX 3060 gpu on your system, the opengl functions will use it to render the 3D graphics on… Read More »

How to check system details on Linux based Routers

By | February 10, 2023

Routers are basically embedded devices (or system), and most modern routers run on linux. Think of it like a mini computer that has its own cpu, storage space, ram memory, ethernet ports, wifi chipset, and optionally a usb port. Functionally these are single board computers similar to a raspberry pi. They software that runs on… Read More »