Category Archives: Windows

How to convert HDR video to SDR with ffmpeg

By | September 15, 2023

HDR vs SDR HDR (High Dynamic Range) is the newer and more advanced version of display technology that shows more colorful and brighter pictures on displays that support it. It is much superior to its predecessor SDR. Videos in HDR format use 10-bits for storing color information and use different color transfer functions compared to… Read More »

How to Install PyOpenGL on Windows 10

By | September 15, 2023

PyOpenGL is an python module that implements OpenGL functions in python allowing you to write OpenGL applications using Python. With OpenGL you are able to write applications that use “GPU acceleration”. So if you have an Nvidia RTX 3060 gpu on your system, the opengl functions will use it to render the 3D graphics on… Read More »

Generate ssh keys on windows 8

By | March 10, 2018

SSH If you are using an ssh client on windows to control a remote webserver and want to setup passwordless logins then you need to create ssh keys. The puttygen command from the putty suite can be used to generate keys in both putty and openssh formats. Download the puttygen program from the following url… Read More »