Tag Archives: apache

Output buffering in php and apache

By | June 18, 2013

Output Buffering Output buffering is processing mechanism where the output being generated by a program is held in a place till its size reaches a limit or the generation is complete. Only after, will the output be send to its destination. In php for example, doing and echo generates some output. Now this output might… Read More »

Run Apache as a specific user with mpm itk on Ubuntu Linux

By | December 8, 2011

Install mpm itk On ubuntu mpm itk can be installed from synaptic. Look for the package called apache2-mpm-itk sudo apt-get install apache2-mpm-itk Configure Configuration for mpm itk can be done in the file sites-enabled/000-default $ gksudo gedit /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default In the VirtualHost *:80 section add this just before the end of the VirtualHost tag [xml] <IfModule… Read More »

Cgi bin directory for each user in Apache

By | May 9, 2020

This page http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/howto/cgi.html describes how to give each user his own cg-bin directory. The following lines should be added to the Apache configuration file http.conf : &lt;Directory /home/*/public_html/cgi-bin&gt; Options ExecCGI SetHandler cgi-script &lt;/Directory&gt; Along with this there are some more points to be kept in mind. If you .htaccess file has a section like this… Read More »

How to Install Apache Mod Rewrite on Ubuntu / Linux

By | August 8, 2020

Apache Mod Rewrite mod_rewrite is an apache module which enables rewriting of urls requested by client before the pages are fetched by apache. For example www.site.com/products.php?code=459 can be written as www.site.com/products/459 or www.site.com/products/459.html. The second url is re-written into the first one by mod_rewrite using rewrite rules specified in the .htaccess file. Enable Mod Rewrite… Read More »