Author Archives: Silver Moon

About Silver Moon

A Tech Enthusiast, Blogger, Linux Fan and a Software Developer. Writes about Computer hardware, Linux and Open Source software and coding in Python, Php and Javascript. He can be reached at [email protected].

Execute an sql script in jdbc

By | April 4, 2008

The SQL Script should have comments starting with – or — only on new lines and each command should end with a ; . Reading a sql file and putting all of it in a string variable and feeding to the execute command would result in an exception. All instructions must be executed individually. A… Read More »

Read write and save configurations to a file in java

By | April 2, 2008

Configuration files are used in applications to store settings, user preferences and other configuration parameters of an application so that. When configurations are changed from within the application these need to be saved so that next time the application starts with these new settings. In Java reading and writing to a configuration is pretty simple… Read More »

How to Code a Tcp Syn Port Scanner in C with Linux Sockets

By | August 5, 2020

Port Scanning Port Scanning searches for open ports on a remote system. The basic logic for a portscanner would be to connect to the port we want to check. If the socket gives a valid connection without any error then the port is open , closed otherwise (or inaccessible, or filtered). TCP Port Scanning Drawbacks… Read More »

Hack Bsnl Broadband Accounts

By | July 31, 2020

Hack bsnl broadband username and passwords Bsnl Broadband continues to grow as one the most popular broadband services in India with high speed facilities of upto 2 mpbs. But a large number of users of this service are vulnerable to hacker attacks because discovering and hacking the vulnerable victims of this network is shockingly simple…. Read More »

C Program to print permutations of a string

By | July 31, 2020

Permutations Permutations is the set of all different unique arrangements of the letters of the string. So for the string “ABC” there are 6 permutations – ABC, ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA. The permutations can also be taken on a smaller length. For example if we want to get permutations of ABC over only 2… Read More »